Another Space
Another Space / HSIAO-CHIEH TUNG(童筱絜)
That which ends in exhaustion is death,but the perfect ending is in the endless. – Stray Birds by Rabindranath Tagore The story of my animation is about a girl and her gold fish named Alpha. One day, Alpha stopped swimming, the girl was confused and couldn’t understand what was happening. She tried hard to find out an answer despite that people keep telling her the truth. To the girl, her love for Alpha is beyond death, and everlasting.What I want to convey in my story is a conflict between life and death.
As a living creature, human beings should clearly understand what death is. However, the girl attempted to find the answer with a machine. The computer seems able to pop up the answer easily and instantly, but can an inanimate object really tell us the meaning of death?
這部動畫劇情描述的是:金魚Alpha停止游泳了,但小女孩不知道那是什麼意思,她到處搜尋解答,但就算全世界都告訴她真相,小女孩的眼中還是只有唯一的摯愛,根本放不下死亡這兩個字。而在劇情裡,其實我想要表達一個矛盾:擁有生命的人類 好像本來就應該知道死亡是什麼吧!但小女孩卻透過一台機器尋找答案,好像透過電腦就可以得到解答,冰冷的電腦快速輕易的說出生命的解答,但它根本沒有生命 ,真的知道死亡是什麼嗎?
Supervisor / PM: Tingyi S. Lin (林廷宜)
Designer: Hsiao-Chieh Tung (童筱絜)