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睡眠玩伴 / Chia-An Wang(王佳安), Yueh-ting Ling(凌悅庭),  Man-Di Lu(盧曼蒂), Che-Chia Fan(范哲嘉), You-Rui Zhang(張祐瑞)



At the age of 3-6, children are trained to sleep in separate room from their parents, they have to face the fear of darkness and loneliness. We want to create an interactable puppet for children, which can help them sleep alone easier and better. During daytime, the puppet is their company. It reacts to children’s different gestures with facial expressions and sounds. At night, it glows low color temperature light and make smooth sound effect to create a comfortable sleeping environment for children. Meanwhile, it provides suitable light effect according to children’s sleep quality.


人機介面應用獎 第一名.jpeg

人機介面應用獎 第一名


Supervisor / PM:  Tingyi S. Lin (林廷宜)

Brian Lin Design: Chia-An Wang,  Yueh-ting Ling,  Man-Di Lu, Che-Chia Fan,  You-Rui Zhan

Client: 盛群半導體HOLTEK

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